Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October's Snazzy Snack

We completed our second Snazzy Snack this month.  The students enjoyed making Cheesy Spider Webs.  In order to make the snack, they must correctly write the recipe using appropriate spelling, letter formation, and spacing.  We have been working hard this year with our OT on handwriting.  Finally the students must follow the recipe and create their snazzy snack.

Halloween Fun with Plural Nouns

One Halloween activity we completed this week was changing singular nouns to plural nouns.  If the child changed the Halloween noun correctly they were able to put a pumpkin or a ghost on the tic-tac-toe board, depending which team they were on.

Measuring Fun!

On Scarecrow Day, we had fun measuring different scarecrows using candy corn.  Of course after we measured we enjoyed eating them too! 

Learning About Fire Safety

During Fire Safety Week we had the opportunity to take a tour of the Waterville Fire Station.  The students enjoyed seeing all of the equipment as well as what the firefighters do when they have down time at the fire station.

A Visit From Nature's Nursery

To kick off our Reading is Second Nature Program we had a special visit from Laura at Nature's Nursery.  She talked to the second graders about how their reading helps the animals at Nature's Nursery.  She also brought along a few special visitors.  We met Icarus the Great Horned Owl, Opal the opposum, and Adobe the desert tortoise.